Wondering about the post title ? Well , I certainly DID not drop out of school. The reason why that's my title is because some of my friends have been wondering whether I've dropped out of school or not. I mean , no of course . I just don't go to school a lot nowadays :)
Why ? I don't know actually. Sometimes it's because of the late hours I've slept at night and thus , oversleeping the day after. But I guess there are times where I tend to become oh-so-darn LAZY :D
So ANYWAYEH , there really is'nt much to update about. Except that The annual prefect dinner just passed on Saturday and it was excellent :) And I've been having quality time with mommy dearest ;D And not to forget my birthday just passed like a week ago. Mhmm. Yeah . Nothing much.
ps: My mom's not letting me stay a night at sunway hotel. darn it . must beg HARDER
boleh pulak malas pergi skola. lol
Yup! Beg Harder Lady!
Alaaa... bukan always right.
Pasal skola tu. Typical lah...
We all lazy already.
Bcuz come on. Not like we study at school so much. :)
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