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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

theme for today

the theme for today is . love makes you do the craziest things.
i dont understand why must this particular feeling has to be casted onto everyone ?
and how come eventually this feeling would just have your heart broken because of the someone you love.
but somehow we love having this feeling called love.
eventhough in the end its painful.
and whats more painful is the truth.
eventhough the truth is suppose to make you feel better. but sometimess it just doesnt.
no matter how you say it ... the way you say it ..


but then . you get caught up in this feeling and just be fooled enough to try and make it happen.
even when you know its not going to.
but , desperation comes and it makes you feel all better.
even when you have your hopes up. this feeling is just gonna let you down.
and the worst thing is.


you become even more desperate to get this feeling and you'll end up hurting yourself.
and then trying comes. when you try, you're not diong the thing that you're supposed to DO.
you're just trying. not really putting to much effort.

so then whats left to do is.
you just ... accept the facts.

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